Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Pengaruh senyawa humik ekstrak kompos dengan kapur terhadap perbaikan faktor pembatas utama tanah masam dan hubungannya dengan microorganism tanah

 Makalah ini disajikan pada
Seminar HITI 2012 di UPN Surabaya

Pengaruh senyawa humik ekstrak kompos dengan kapur terhadap perbaikan faktor pembatas utama tanah masam dan hubungannya dengan microorganism tanah
(Effects of humic compounds and CaCO3 on dominant limiting factors of acid soil and it’s relation with soil microorganism)

Sugeng Winarso
Jurusan Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember, Jl Kalimantan 37 Jember.


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh kombinasi senyawa humik ekstrak kompos dengan CaCO3 dalam memperbaiki sifat-sifat kimia dan biologi tanah masam, Ultisol, khususnya dalam hubungannya dengan mikroorganisme dominan di dalam tanah. Tanah yang digunakan adalah tanah masam dari Kentrong Banten yang diambil pada kedalaman 0-30 cm, dikeringanginkan dan berukuran <2 mm. Tanah diklasifikasikan sebagai Typic paleudult dan mempunyai pH 4,2; 2,4% C-organik; 0,27% N-total; 100 mg total P kg-1; 1 mg available P kg-1, dan 6,7 cmol Aldd kg-1. Senyawa humik (SH) diekstrak dari kompos jerami padi. Lima kombinasi atau gabungan perlakuan adalah kontrol, 2000 ppm SH dan tanpa CaCO3, 2000 ppm SH dan 0,1 mM CaCO3, 4000 ppm SH dan tanpa CaCO3, dan 4000 ppm SH dan 0,2 mM CaCO3. Hasil perlakuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi kombinasi senyawa humik dan CaCO3 dapat meningkatkan pH, N-total, P-tersedia, dan menurunkan Aldd Ultisol. Perbaikan sifat-sifat kimia tanah ini diikuti dengan perbaikan kerapatan mikroorganisme total, bakteri, dan fungi hingga 5 minggu inkubasi. Pada saat inkubasi korelasi sangat tinggi ditunjukkan antara kerapatan bakteri dengan P-tersedia (r = 0,87) dan pada lima minggu inkubasi kerapatan mikroorganisme dengan N-total (r = 0,95), kerapatan mikroorganisme dengan Aldd (r = -0,97), dan kerapatan mikroorganisme dengan P-tersedia (r = 0,72).

Kata kunci: Tanah Masam, Bakteri, CaCO3, Fungi, dan Senyawa Humik.

Senin, 25 Maret 2013

Aluminum Detoxification by Humic Substance Extracted from Compost of Organic Wastes

J Trop Soils, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2010: 19-24

Aluminum Detoxification by Humic Substance Extracted from Compost of Organic Wastes

Sugeng Winarso1, Eko Handayanto2 and Abdullah Taufiq3
Received 16 November 2009 / accepted 31 December 2009

1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jember (UNEJ). Jl. Kalimantan 33 Jember - Post Code 68121;
2 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya (UB); e-mail:
3 Balitkabi Malang; e-mail:
J Trop Soils, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2010: 19-24
ISSN 0852-257X

                                                                      ABSTRACTAluminum Detoxification by Humic Substance Extracted from Compost of Organic Wastes (S Winarso, E Handayanto and A Taufiq): Humic substance could control the activity of metal as well as exchangeable aluminum (Alexch) on acid soil. The humic substance extracted from compost of agricultural waste is rarely conducted. The objective of research was to evaluate the effect of humic substance concentration and sources to pH and Al suspension. The research had been conducted in the Soil Laboratory of Agricultural Faculty of Jember University from April to July 2009. The humic substance used in these researches was extracted from compost of rice straw (RS), soybean straw (SS), cassava starch solid waste (CSSW), and empty bunch of oil palm tree (EBOPT). The humic substance concentration treatments were 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 ppm. Result of the analysis showed that characteristic of humic substance was difference depending on the source material used. The humic substance extracted from SS contains total base cations (K, Na, Ca, Mg) higher (1.17%) compared with CSSW (1.07%), OPT (0.87%), and RS (0.69%). While the humic substances extracted from RS contain total organic acid (Acetic, Fumeric, Cetoglutamic, Sucsinic, Propionic, Butiric, Ocsalic, and Citric Acid) higher (157 ppm) compared with EBOPT (129 ppm), SS (115%), and CSSW (108%). Among these organic acids, acetic acid was highest concentration (>34.51% of total acid). The addition of humic substance increased pH and decreased aluminum concentration of the suspension. The higher pH increment and Al concentration reduction took place in the suspension treated with humic substance from SS compost. The correlation between decreasing Al concentration with humic substance concentration which explained chelation was higher (r = 0.97) than decreasing Al concentration with increasing pH which explained precipitation (r = 0.93). Based on these research results, it can be concluded that humic substance extracted from agricultural waste have a good prospect as a soil ameliorant to increase soil pH, detoxify soil aluminum, and increase soil P availability on acid soil.

Keywords: Aluminum, chelate, compost, humic substance
Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment Vol. 3(7), pp. 232-240, July 2011
Available online at
ISSN 2006- 9847©2011 Academic Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Effects of humic compounds and phosphatesolubilizing
bacteria on phosphorus availability in an
acid soil
Sugeng Winarso1,2*, Didik Sulistyanto1 and Eko Handayanto2

1Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Jember University, Jember, Indonesia.
2Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia.
Accepted 23 May, 2011

This study aims at elucidating the combined effects of humic compounds and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (Pseudomonas putida) to improve characteristics of ultisol and to increase the yields of soybean conducted in a glasshouse. The humic compounds are extracted from rice-straw compost, the phosphate-solubilizing bacteria obtained from Bogor Agricultural University, and the soil (Typic paleudult) collected from Kentrong Banten, Indonesia. The results have shown that application of humic compounds combined with inoculation of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria increases pH and available P, and decreases exchangeable Al of an ultisol. The improved soil characteristic, however does not lead to the significant differences in the uptake of macronutrients by plant.
Key words: Acid soil, exchangeable aluminium, humic compounds, Pseudomonas putida, soybean.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Pengaruh Kombinasi Senyawa Humik dan CaCO terhadap Alumunium dan Fosfat Typic Paleudult Kentrong Banten

Pengaruh Kombinasi Senyawa Humik dan CaCO
 terhadap Alumunium dan Fosfat Typic Paleudult Kentrong Banten

Sugeng Winarso, Eko Handayanto, Syekhfani, dan Didik Sulistyanto
Makalah diterima 14 Juli 2008  / disetujui 24 Januari 2009

1, 4) Jurusan Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jember - Jl. Kalimantan 33 Jember 68121
2, 3)  Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya (UB),  Jl. Veteran Malang
 J. Tanah Trop., Vol. 14, No. 2, 2009: 89-95
 ISSN 0852-257X